Before I close this program for *dun dun dun* good, December 2021. 

This is the only 5 hour training program of its kind with and copy & paste tools to boot. 

I can't wait to support go-getters ready to get unstuck and expedite success. Will you be one of them? 
I’m guessing you DO NOT NEED another course on how to write.

You want to know how the f*** to charge, market yourself and feel like a bold, unscattered expert leading AWESOME clients.

Even if you’ve been writing for 5 years and are f***ing exhausted, sometimes dreaming of a 9 - 5 with health insurance…

Even if you’ve wanted to try day rates but felt fear...

Even if you spend endless hours on proposals and leads…

Even if you see other writers living their “best life” but secretly have voodoo dolls of them you stab with pins...

Are you willing to see what writing business is within you, waiting to break free?

"Allison is the! I could listen to and learn anything from her!" -Deborah

It’s time to UNCAP your pen the possibilities.

Because you get to STOP second-guessing your pricing, spend no more than 10 minutes on proposals and land clients without endless back-and-forth. 
I am living proof you can go from working minimum wage and zero connections to a business where I set the boundaries, terms and pricing, not the client. 

For the first time ever, I’m sharing the exact knowledge, steps, templates and scripts that I’ve spent years honing and developing.

This is brand new information that is going to delete the panic of “how do I deliver this” and instead - give you precise numbers, copy and paste templates and “here’s what to do”.

Because you don’t want more guesswork. You’re overwhelmed and want f***ing HELP.
Ready for a non-stressful business of great clients who pay invoices, don’t negotiate and respect your time?

With simple steps, you can have dream clients who pay you well AND even (holy s***) shout you out with praise.

The terms “starving artist” and “struggling writer” are BS.

You have so much to offer and give, even if you don’t feel that way right now.

You do NOT have to spend hours deciding on pricing or tweaking packages to mold to every client’s every whim. I know because I used to try to please every client and was constantly burned out - tired as hell.

My Writing Dream started 
in 2014, at a dirty Denny’s booth. 

The business I have now started out scrappy, to say the least. 

I’d work my demanding full-time job (that was often 10 or 12 hours per day), then go to a corner booth at Denny’s.

I’d order bottomless coffee, plug my charger behind the bar (thanks staff!), and type out content for my client I had found off Craigslist. I was ready to do hat it took.
With nutty tactics, I got more clients, quit my job and yet?

Even as a “hip freelance writer”, my outward life felt like a lie.
People thought I had a life of freedom, of succulent coffee shops and carefree working on the beach. 

In truth, I was exhausted. I felt disrespected daily. I felt like a constant failure and would spend 2, even 3 hours on one proposal - obsessed with getting every lead to choose me.

The hours were late. The pay was small. The self-doubt was sky high.
Secretly hopeless, on the verge of accepting a copywriting job offer…
Finally, I decided to say SCREW IT and try the final, weirdest, most unconventional Hail Mary. 
I was sick of toning down myself and lowering my prices.  

I was tired of not standing up for myself, for accepting any project that came my way.

I was OVER doing 5 rounds of edits when the project said they got 2.

I decided to finally hack real change and create a business that I loved from the inside, not one that looked pretty on Instagram.


I took brass knuckles to self-doubt &

I hacked ways to reignite my writing dream & get to being booked out with $3,500 a day clients.
By 2018, I’d niched to my dream audience. I billed my first project over $5,000. Then, I booked a project that was $13,000. And yes, I lost my dang mind.
In 2019, I launched a group program & switched to ONLY doing day rates. I was able to say NO to projects, even after moving to the most pricy place - NYC.
In 2020, my day rates hit $3,500 a day. I got booked out again & again. I launched another group program. My business made over $150,000 - during the pandemic & I took breaks.

Now, I’m LIVE mentoring my first crew of copywriters. WHY?

I want you to see how freaking worthy you are. I want to see what magic is possible for you and how absolutely you deserve a business that lights you up. 

Because I’m guessing you’re like me.

You want to stop feeling panicked over if a client says yes or no, reworking hourly rates.

You want to be in the zone, unleashing words onto a Google Doc, not chasing down invoices or wondering how to respond to demands: “Here’s what we need in 2 days.”

This can be the day you STOP being at the mercy of clients who take advantage of you. 

You CAN take steps that establish you as an authority, even if you feel inexperienced. 

You can back to doing what you actually set out to do - FREAKING WRITE.

I have undergone the transformation myself and KNOW what is possible. That’s why...

Introducing, with a curtsy → 

The Unchained Copywriter

Whether you're a brand new copywriter, experienced content writer, email pro or creative ready to turn up higher-paying clients, you're perfect here
Steal my methods for pricing, packaging, landing clients and leading a business you adore
You don’t need to make custom proposals for every client. 

You don’t need 3 new freebies.

I’ll walk you through PRECISELY what email scripts, Asana boards and psychological rewiring methods BUILT MY BUSINESS AND TOOK AWAY OVERWHELM.

This is NOT vague “what feels good for you” advice.  

I’m sharing the exact numbers, pricing and ways I have packaged my services you can jack for yourself.  

You do NOT need sexy metrics or “famous clients” to book great writing projects.

If you were here with me, I’d make a blood oath with you to prove it. 

Here’s how to go from stressing over “how to write this email” to signing the contracts.

The *right* Fs to give AKA the 4 elements of The Unchained Copywriter

Find what you ACTUALLY want

Even if you think you know your goals. We’ll start with visioning your ultimate lifestyle so we create a sustainable business model that gives you true freedom.

Find the possibilities

I’ll walk through the different, specific ways I have landed clients in different niches, formats and styles. This isn’t your bro marketer’s networking process. 

Find the proven steps & tools

You want someone to tell you what the hell to say. WITH EACH TRAINING, YOU GET MY LIBRARY OF COPYWRITER SALES & PROJECT TEMPLATES. I'll show you how to customize to sound like YOU. 

Find the gumption within

Strategy isn't enough. We also will tap into you BELIEVING your worth. I’m guiding you through vital mindset s** that will help you to inhale hope and take action.
Successful creatives are willing to say, “This isn’t working. I need help.” 

They see what works and study that. You get to let this be so much easier than you think, I promise.

If you’re ready to stop Googling “proposal template” and watching tutorials on how to become a 6-figure writer, I am here to lovingly dare you to →
"Allison is a fantastic teacher! She is so smart and fun and brings that into everything she does." -Sarah
"thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" -Briana

This isn’t another webinar, Youtube tutorial or PDF.

Look, we’re both writers here so let’s be freaking real. 

You’re a researcher. 

You have spent SO MANY FREAKING HOURS looking up how to run a writing business, how to price and ways to stage a proposal that converts. I see this issue again and again. 

You can research till the cows, giraffes and every other Noah’s Ark animal come home.
Tons of frazzled of advice is only going to scatter your brain. Your brain is exactly what is needed to pump out creative juices for writing clients. 

This is the opportunity to STOP putting mental energy into “how to..” and get the methods handed to you, straight freaking up. 

You’re within reach of my proven, cohesive information.

This is seriously everything I wish was handed to me in 2013. 

Here’s what you get

(like the daily special at a retro diner)

2 Pre-Recorded Trainings

Whether you’re new or 5 years in, these will be so powerful. 

Session 1: Get Unscattered, Unstuck & Bold

Session 2: Instigate a Refreshed Approach, System & Boundaries

These are NOT your average business trainings for writers. This is the information I have cultivated across nearly a decade of trial, testing, hacking and bringing in my unique background in other careers to find success. 


This is the part that I have gotten the most questions on. It is pre-recorded and ready to zip to you, today. 

I have DMed with so many copywriters stressed about day rates, so I am handing out my personal Day Rate Asana boards, research questions and every step for how I run day rates.

You can pitch a day rate within minutes after knowing this info, knowing what to do.

My Personal Resource Library:
Copy & Paste Tools 

After each training, you'll get the corresponding tools uploaded into your portal. 
-Sales call scripts (What NOT to focus on, which almost all copywriters do)
-Email templates (How to pitch day rates, get an invoice paid, etc.) 
-Forgotten details There are little things almost all writers are not utilizing, I will show you


You’ll get to step into the community of fellow copywriters, where I will host my final EVER two LIVE Q&A mentorship sessions. Ask me anything, about your goals, a specific situation with a client or lead, anything - and I'll give a tailored answer directly to you. These are December 1st and December 9th.

Feeling like an amazing, productive human

United with other fierce cats with goals like yours? Sweet mercy, you're going to be blown away.

Tapping into self f***ing belief

One of the #1 results we see? People finally realizing they CAN go for what they want. Not in a RAH RAH way...but because people finally have the tools, language, templates and rooted out mental blocks (taught deep in session #1) so they CAN actually move forward. And so much of the time, that is everything. Wow, I am getting so damn emotional writing this. What a way to close out 2021.  

Want to STOP being chained to the damn desk, reclaim your time and feel confident with EVERY client email?

Please, my love, let me show you, instead of taking the years like I did to hack and figure out what would work. 

You get the most jam-packed 5 hour training to rewire your business + ongoing mentorship, 
at a STEAL of a price

You get instant access to:
  • 2 Pre-Recorded Masterclasses that'll change how you see business and what's possible
  • ​Recorded Day Rate Toolbox Training + My Asana Boards: This knowledge took 2 years of tweaking, trial and testing every single week, month after month. This is worth the cost of this program alone. 
  • LIVE Q&A - THE FINAL ONES ARE DECEMBER 2021 BEFORE THIS PROGRAM CLOSES - Ask absolutely anything, so you can get specific advice about your situation, struggle, “how do I __?” question. This will be live in the FB group once a month with me or another expert. They'll be Dec 1 @ 9 am PST and Dec 9 @ 11 am PST. 
  • ​Copy & paste tools: My private Asana Boards, Email Templates & MORE: I could charge double the price of the program for these alone, honestly, because the Asana boards with research questions alone took 2 years to hone, master and got me the results that brought back my repeat clients. 
  • Private community: This is a place of fellow writers who are done with feeling undervalued and walked on, who want to serve clients so well AND cheer each other on. Just scrolling this page will
Copywriters have paid me $8,000 for coaching on these exact insights. 

This is you getting my video coaching, walkthroughs, scripts and formulas that have made me bank & mentorship, in a LIVE format I will never do again


Because I know what it’s like to be a writer on a budget? 


*Only tip: Don’t be shady, screenshot and then ask for a refund. That’s some rough karma if you want to make more money.*
Need help ordering or have questions?

my ways aren't conventional.
but then, perhaps, maybe you aren't either.

This process is going to be scrappy at times, I won’t lie.

Not scrappy in a “spend hours on Upwork” way.

Unconventionally scrappy. Because I didn’t build my business off a gorgeous Instagram feed. Hell, I didn’t run a single Facebook ad for 5 ½ years - when I was already booking clients at $2,000.00 a day.

What I did do? Use my experience marketing and producing commercials to find gaps, figure out who would actually hire me and take steps to get people to notice me. 

If you want to play things safe 
and keep having proposals take 4 hours, this isn't a fit.

If you want to have someone tell you “just do it!” that isn't me. I get practical. I get spiritual and emotional AND strategic. I merge it all into one powerhouse of an experience. 

I so hope you step into what's possible within, fierce cat. 

I don't want you to feel small. I want you to see how incredible and worthy you are.

If you are DONE feeling quiet and ready to have tangible action steps? Want someone who has been there and who answers your questions with SPECIFIC insights?! Well...
"Allison is straight forward, fun and honest, and she walks people through things in really concrete ways. YOU ROCK." -Laura

Have a question? I’ll make unlike Carly-Rae

And Call you maybe Answer for sure

Are these trainings live or recorded?  
These videos are pre-recorded, so you can jump in right away. Upon signing up, you'll get an email that gives your Kajabi log in information so you can get into the portal and start soaking up and implementing this powerful information. 

I'm $4,500 a day, so by doing a pre-recorded training, I get to share these powerful methods at a fraction of the price. 
I’ve tried a lot - is this program actually going to work? 
I stand by this program and every nuance in it because these are the exact methods I have used to go from 20 cents/word to thousands per day with dream clients. 

If you dive into all of it and really knew it all or find none of it helpful or want to poke it like it’s a voodoo doll, we offer a 14 day money-back guarantee. Within 2 weeks of purchase, simply email admin@allisonevelyn.
I want to do day rates. Is this program for me?
YES. This is PERFECT for anyone who wants to do day rates. I teach how I offered mine, including how to sell them, how to make confident “promises”, the sales email and script I use, as well as my Asana boards and tactics for gathering research. 

Basically, I’m handing you how to sell one starting immediately - on a platter.
Does the program work for aspiring freelance writers or new entrepreneurs, too?
Absolutely. If you are wanting to start your copywriter or freelance writing / strategy business, this is perfect timing! Instead of trying to muscle your way through how to price and package you are getting the headstart pretty much no one has.
Does this involve more research? I already research a lot! 
No, this is BETTER and more effective. Honestly. 

This program is not more “research your client avatar”.

We are going within YOUR mind and into my resources, which are going to be so f***ing transformative. I am going to walk through hyper-specific tactics and actionable tools handed to you, including:

• My own Asana boards, including day rate boards that took 2 years to perfect (Simply review, copy and paste. That is it. You can also apply these to ANY project management like Trello, Basecamp or hey - Google Drive / email.) 

Scripts & templates you can implement same day, not tons of homework.

Going within, to discover and unblock wiring that people don’t know is holding them back. This isn’t research. It’s a powerful rampage on self-doubt.
Do I get 1:1 time with you, Allison?
I am able to give this program at such an amazing price because it is made for a larger audience if writers can access it. But I can’t help getting to know you more! ;) So...

In the private Facebook Group, I will ding two final LIVE Q&As - THE FINAL ONES ARE DECEMBER 2021 BEFORE THIS PROGRAM CLOSES - Ask absolutely anything, so you can get specific advice about your situation, struggle, “how do I __?” question. This will be live in the FB group once a month with me or another expert. They'll be Dec 1 @ 9 am PST and Dec 9 @ 11 am PST. 

So while it won’t be 1:1, you will get to ask questions and with a DIRECT answer to you. 

(If you can’t make it live, you’ll be able to submit questions and get my feedback through the replay!)
I’ve bought other copywriter and business programs. Why is this different?

I have bought and invested in other programs across the years, too. 

The core of what I am teaching I cultivated across years of deep research, client experiences, personal testimony, and trial and testing for myself, as well as pulling in my background as a commercial producer, working on sets, working at Nordstrom and 7 years of getting scrappy as a copywriter. This is a hodge podge and addresses both the limiting beliefs, blocks people don’t know the have - getting into personal psychology AND templates and scripts I figured out for myself. 
How soon after I purchase will I receive the program?
When you hit purchase, my entire team jumps up and down with glittering balloons and cries like we just watched our favorite musicals. Then, we send you an email with how to get started. You’ll get another email with the log in details to your personal portal (via Kajabi) and how to get into the Facebook Group. 
How do I get into the private Facebook group, The Unchained Copywriters?
After you hit purchase, we’ll send you a new member welcome email. You’ll see the link to join the Private Facebook Group. Go to that link and (from your Facebook profile account), answer a few quick questions. One of our team members will let you in shortly after. 

One more time, here’s what you can access

  • My 2 Pre-Recorded Copywriter Business Masterclasses: Uploaded & ready to watch
  • My Day Rate Toolbox Pre-Recorded Training This session shall blow minds
  • ​LIVE Q&A - THE FINAL ONES ARE DECEMBER 2021 BEFORE THIS PROGRAM CLOSES:  Ask absolutely anything, so you can get specific advice about your situation, struggle, “how do I __?” question. This will be live in the FB group once a month with me or another expert. They'll be Dec 1 @ 9 am PST and Dec 9 @ 11 am PST. 
  • Copy & paste tools: My private Asana Boards, Email Templates & MORE: These are worth the cost alone, straight up.
  • Private community
Copywriters have paid me $8,000.00+ for coaching...
My business brought in $150,000+ in 2020...which included several pauses and breaks where I didn’t work, at all.

I am here to show, no holds back, exactly the behind-the-scenes of my copywriting business - the back end, no holding back of my ways, methods, templates, psychological steps and beyond.

Want to cut proposal time, follow up with leads in under 10 minutes and only work with clients who respect your boundaries?! 

I will show you precisely what worked for me - in just 1 more step. 


*Seriously. Email us. Ask for money back. That’s it. I am here to wow the crap out of people, not bait switch. 
Need help ordering or have questions?
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